(alias Awesomejack)

1167 messages

Membre, LAN, Retraité

Jeudi 03 Novembre 2016 - 13:21 (post édité 1 fois)



Voici deux trois infos que j'ai pu trouver sur le net. J'espère que ce sera utile.


Timer des coffres dans les donjons MM+ :


Dungeon Time 2 Chest 3 Chest
Black Rook Hold 38m 30m 24s 22m 48s
Court of Stars 30m 24m 18m
Darkheart Thicket 30m 24m 18m
Eye of Azshara 35m 28m 21m
Halls of Valor 45m 36m 27m
Maw of Souls 24m 19m 12s 14m 24s
Neltharion's Lair 33m 26m 24s 19m 48s
The Arcway 45m 36m 27m
Vault of the Wardens 33m 26m 24s 19m 48s



Hauts faits liés :



Item lvl :


Level Dungeon Chest Class Hall Chest
Regular Mythic 840 N/A
2 845 850
3 845 855
4 850 860
5 850 865
6 855 865
7 855 870
8 860 870
9 860 875
10+ 865




Affixes : (en Anglais désolé) :


Ci-dessous la liste des affichxes possibles, un apparait à partir d'une clef +4, deux à partir d'une +7. Notez qu'il est impossible d'avoir les deux mêmes.

  • Bolstering -When any non-boss enemy dies, its death cry empowers nearby allies, increasing their maximum health and damage by 20%
  • Necrotic - Enemy melee attacks apply a stacking debuff that deals damage and reduces healing/absorbs received
  • Overflowing - Causes all overhealing done (by healer-spec players) to trigger a heal absorb on the target, proportional to the amount of overhealing done
  • Raging - Non-boss enemies enrage at 30% health remaining, dealing 100% increased damage until defeated
  • Sanguine - Shortly after death, non-boss enemies will leave a pool of blood on the ground, which heals enemies and damages players for a % of their max health
  • Skittish -Enemies pay far less attention to threat generated by tanks
  • Teeming - Additional non-boss enemies are present throughout the dungeon; kill count requirement is increased
  • Volcanic - While in combat, enemies periodically cause gouts of flame to erupt beneath the feet of distant players

Pour les clefs +10 un troisième affixe apparait entre :

Fortified - Increases the health and damage of non-boss enemies.

Tyrannical - Increases the health and damage of boss enemies.

Ces deux affixes s'échangent chaque semaine.



Liens utiles : Rechercher - Droits d'accès